
Fighting rising business energy prices

You will of course be aware that business energy prices have risen through 2012… but as we move into a new year, have you considered by exactly how much?  Well, from January to December 2012, estimates put energy price increases at around 15% and regrettably, the bad news is that this show no signs of reversing.  Here at Utility Helpline, we imagine you won’t have put your own prices up by nearly that much, over the same amount of time.  And the next result, as we work through the winter months of 2013, is that operating costs are rising, with a commensurate bite down on profit margins. So why do energy companies continue to raise their prices? British Gas really tells the story for the market overall when it explains its needs to raise prices a) to reflect rising wholesale energy prices; b) to cover the costs of upgrading energy infrastructure; and c) to fund the implementation of government initiatives.  Of course none of that is particularly helpful when you have your own costs to consider. However, there is something you can do to fight rising business energy prices, and the way to push back is really two-pronged: firstly, use Utility Helpline to secure the right rate possible for your business, from the wide range on offer in the market.  Secondly, give your company a business energy health check, and start to consider ways of reducing energy consumption within your operation. And here’s one very specific area for possible reductions, highlighted by energy supplier E.ON: overtime.  Their survey indicates that 62% of employees believe it is the responsibility of the last person leaving to turn off the lights and heating, whilst 23% felt it was the responsibility of the cleaning or office managers.  Such confusion, or lack of logistical control, means companies can find their premises fully lit and heated… even where there is no-one there, or perhaps a much reduced, skeleton staff working overtime.  Such wastage drives up energy usage and therefore your business energy bills, when there may well be more efficient ways of operating overtime; for instance with timers for the heating, lighting and air conditioning systems. So consider this twin strategy of combining your own energy savings, with costs savings via Utility Helpline, and be assured you are doing everything you can to ride out this current winter of cold weather… and even harsher business energy prices.

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